SelfDecode DNA Test Kit Now in India

What is Genetic Testing? 

What if you were told that it is now possible to know which diseases your body is most susceptible to? Yes, you read that right. With the SelfDecode DNA Test Kit, you can now detect diseases even before experiencing symptoms. 

Before diving deep into the realm of genetic testing, let us first understand ‘genes’. Our body is made up of many small units called ‘cells’.  Each cell comprises an extremely long molecule called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).  This DNA is made up of several small segments called genes. Think of DNA as a massive book and genes as the pages of this book. 

Now that we have a basic idea about DNA and genes, let’s understand their functions. Genes are like a user manual that tells our body how to function. Genes control each and every process in our body. Every gene has its distinct function. Some genes guide our body to make proteins while others tell it how to use different vitamins and minerals. In fact, these genes play a major role in determining your height, skin color and your overall personality. So next time someone compliments you on your looks, you know whom to thank!

Defects in DNA

Imagine you are solving a puzzle and there is an issue with a particular piece. This ‘issue’ with the piece might be because it is missing or it is broken. Now consider your DNA to be the puzzle and genes to be the different pieces. Sometimes, the genes might be missing or extra. This causes defects in DNA. These defects are then reflected through diseases or dysfunctions in the body. 

Now this is where DNA testing comes into the picture.

SelfDecode Genetic Testing

In layman’s language, Genetic Testing is nothing but scanning our DNA for any defect. This testing is no longer limited only to people with genetic disorders. DNA testing is now used as an important tool in the realm of preventive healthcare. The most groundbreaking and trustworthy platform in this arena is SelfDecode. Self-Decode DNA Test Kit is a cutting edge genetic testing service known for its accuracy. Unlike conventional genetic tests that primarily focus on genetic risks for diseases, SelfDecode provides a complete breakdown of your DNA composition.

Benefits of SelfDecode DNA Test Kit

  • Disease Susceptibility- The test will help to identify a person’s probability of developing diseases (Cancer, heart disease, allergies,etc). This facilitates early diagnosis and treatment.
  • Personalized Insights-  Information about the DNA composition of an individual allows curation of customized health plans. Moreover, practitioners can select the most suitable treatment plans for their patients. 
  • Backed by evidence- The reports generated by SelfDecode DNA Test are backed by data and immense research. The impact of each insight is indicated by a score. This score is based on a combination of peer reviewed research,  AI driven algorithms and data from your test kit.
  • Family Planning-  Couples can assess the risk of passing genetic disorders and thus make informed decisions about having children.
  • Treatment selection- SelfDecode DNA Testing helps  practitioners choose targeted therapies that are the most appropriate for an individual. The test aids in predicting the body’s response to different treatments. Additionally, an individual can get a better idea about the dietary and supplement choices that yield the best results.  

  • Integrating SelfDecode DNA Test insights in your life

    Overall, SelfDecode DNA Testing has significant advantages for an individual as well as practitioners. The insights from the test can be incorporated into your life by making the required changes in lifestyle. For example, if a person’s report indicates risks regarding heart health, he/she can avoid fried foods and go for supplements like  Krill Oil. 


    Why go to iThrive Essentials for SelfDecode DNA Testing?

  • Hassle free process- iThrive Essentials makes the entire process super easy and stress free. From ordering the test to receiving reports, the journey is smooth and user friendly. The time and effort required is next to nothing. Moreover, our top notch customer support team is always available to answer any queries throughout the testing process.
  • Easily available in India and abroad-  The SelfDecode Test is easily available in India and abroad (depends on service availability in the concerned country). The users can now have access to genetic testing irrespective of their location.
  • Cost effective- Customers get the best price at iThrive Essentials when it comes to all our products and services. We have slashed the cost of SelfDecode DNA Test Kit to Rs. 20,999/ to make it affordable for our customers without compromising on the quality.
  • Easy to understand reports- The customers receive reports that  are easy to comprehend and understand. The reports contain actionable insights like lifestyle and supplement recommendations.
  • Access to the SelfDecode dashboard- When a customer buys a SelfDecode DNA Test Kit from us, they get exclusive access to the SelfDecode dashboard for a year enabling them to gain more in depth knowledge about their genetic data.
  • Trust and Privacy- iThrive Essentials takes every step to ensure that our customer’s data is handled safely and ethically. We prioritize privacy and security of our customers and are committed to best data handling practices. Additionally, a strict adherence to all rules and regulations set by the government authorities of concerned countries is practiced.

    Get your SelfDecode DNA Test Kit Today at iThrive Essentials.

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